Property & Maintenance

Maintenance Schedule for 2020


Last updated 18 August 2021

Last completed in May 2021 by Seda services

You will be notified by email


Last updated 18 August 2021

You will be notified by email

The locks on your doors operate on batteries and St Basils have agreed to change the batteries every twelve months.

The smoke alarm batteries and door bell batteries will be the responsibility of St Basils.

These were last tested in May 2021 by the Maintenance team.


Last updated 18 August 2021

You will be notified by email

An annual Fire Inspection is held where various tones as well as closing the Fire Doors.

Also testing of RCDs or Residual Current Devices, monitor the flow of electricity as it enters a building from the main switchboard. If an imbalance in the circuit is detected, the device cuts the power to avoid severe injury or electrocution. This was last completed in May 2021 by Micron Group.


Last updated 18 August 2021

You will be notified by email


Last Updated 18 August 2021

The windows are cleaned every 6 months. We are notified by email from the Village Manager such as the one below.

The next external window cleans of the Independent Living Units to commence from Monday the 21st of June 2021.

The window cleaners will start from 8am at the top of each building and work their way down on the scheduled day. The window cleaners will require access to clean the external balcony windows of each apartment. If you are not comfortable for the window cleaners to enter your apartment to access the external windows on your balcony due to the current COVID pandemic, please let me know and I will notify the cleaners.

Below is the schedule of works:

Zone & Work Performed


Building C – Abseil Work & Resident Balconies (Access required)

Monday 21st June 2021

Building D – Abseil Work & Resident Balconies (Access required)

Tuesday 22nd June 2021

Building B (units 37-19) – Abseil Work & Resident Balconies (Access required)

Wednesday 23rd June 2021

Building B (units 18-1) – Abseil Work & Resident Balconies (Access required)

Thursday 24th June 2021

(Please note that this schedule is subject to weather conditions and may be adjusted accordingly)

If you would like to have your internal windows cleaned at the same time, please let me know and I will pass your details onto Guardian Cleaning. The pricing for this is as follows:

  • 1 bedroom apartment - $37.50

  • 2 bedroom apartment - $75.00

  • 3 bedroom apartment - $112.50

(Please note that internal window cleaning is at a cost to the residents, and will be billed directly by Guardian Cleaning)


There is an Annual Safety Check that is required to be completed by the Village Manager each year and then a report given to the Committee and to all residents. This is required under the Legislation and is in the policy. Ryan did it last September so it is due again soon.

You can find the policy ILU 19 Property and Maintenance procedures on the Policy Documents page